The Faceme Story

Everyday we face challenges with people that we come into contact with. We can face those challenges either with security or insecurity, self doubt or confidence, from a perspective of weakness or empowerment.
Our ability to face those challenges with success is directly linked to the way we are feeling about ourselves on any particular day, which we all know can fluctuate a lot ;)
As women we have our "go to" fixes like our "power red" lipsticks or our "little black dresses" that put us in power mode and make it just a little bit easier to handle the challenges of the day. However great those fixes are nothing compares to how good we feel when our skin is looking it's very best- fresh, plump, vibrant and full of life, that's what really gives us the boost we need to go face to face with whomever we come in contact with.
We created faceme with the understanding that as women, we are naturally empowered with more confidence, more poise and more certainty when we look and feel our absolute and most authentic beautiful best. So we sought out the most efficacious, natural, predominantly organic ingredients and blended them into rich, luxurious serums and creams that are proven to bring out the most beautiful you- always. Faceme provides you with the beauty weapons of nature to help you look and feel your most bad-ass beautiful self for a lifetime of challenge facing success.